Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Married Life

I'm not married but I am on day 6 of my guy's week visit. It's been fun, we've had some disagreements, we've conquered them and his presence hasn't annoyed me nor has it made me think living with a man and him in particular would be unbearable. Mostly its been very enjoyable. The strangest part for me is the bathroom situation. I had always assumed that I would need a minimum of 2 bathrooms to have a successful marriage. I only have one bathroom and except for the shock of seeing the toilet seat up, I haven't been disgusted by what I imagined a man's bathroom habits to be.

Although whenever I'm at his house, I've never noticed the seat being left up. I question this? No - I don't think he is harboring a woman in his home but I know that the toilet seat is always down. Things that make me go hmmm?

We've even managed to get along with just one t.v. He loves football and sports and we have found a happy medium between my shows and his. In fact my soap opera just came on and he seems intent to shower for the entire hour.

Well I've actually been cooking, and enjoying it. My domestic tendencies are showing. I like preparing meals and since he's a better cook than myself, I've learned to make a couple things.

Perhaps this is the honeymoon phase. Whatever it is I'm going with and enjoying the flow.


Jez Chill said...

When is the honeymoon phase over? When its no longer blissful? Glad to hear you two are enjoying mutual happiness. Although would say that he needs to leave the seats up at his crib if for no other reason other than to establish his home as HIS. Otherwise, the next step is he'll be sleeping with flowered sheets & curtains with lace trim, and pastel colors everywhere...

I know you're reading this... LEAVE THE TOILET SEAT UP, MAN!!!

AMES said...

What is wrong with flowered sheets? I'm not a fan of lace but pastel does have its place and its peaceful. And Jezchill I've already read your toilet seat blog so you are already biased.

GeckoGirl said...

Hahaha. Surely you're not comparing a weeklong visit to a lifetime commitment. Besides, it's not living together that makes so many marriages "unbearable". Arguments about toilet seats and TVs may be the symptom but they're never the problem. How's that Jay-Z song go? Soon you'll understand...

Jez Chill said...

You know exactly what her name is, I'm sure you can read just fine. Question is... why is the toilet seat always down? Were you trained that way? :-)

AMES said...

How cute, Jezchill is defending his girl cuz blu is defending me.
Don't be harsh fellas, and let love reign supreme.

AMES said...

and.... you two must get along otherwise blu might make me leave you off our guest list. Although since our day looks like it will be on a weekday, you probably won't come anyway. But maybe.

Brown Shuga said...

I was thinking the same thing as GeckoGirl. I know you're not comparing this visit to a lifetime committment. hee hee But I have to admit, I do shit like that too. My mind will just take off. I'm good for jumping the my mind that is. Not to say that you're jumping the gun or anything. hee hee

AMES said...

Brownshuga... I don't know if I'm jumping the gun. I'd hate to do that cuz I've seen track runners get disqualified for doing that too many times.

Jez Chill said...

"Jump the gun?" You've already claimed victory before you even realized what race you're in. At least run a mile before making claims that you'll suvive the marathon, ya know?

Rainmayun said...

"our day"??? yall planning to get married?

AMES said...

Why is this blog beginning to cause me stress? I've been telling Blu why I'm afraid of announcing and planning weddings. Is it just my extended family that puts stress upon couples planning nuptials? I know if the blog unnerves me, my family could drive me wacky.

Rain........Blu and I have a "tentative" marriage date, I say "tentative" because if it is leaked we may have to alter it. I seek to avoid the drama involved with wedding planning.

Cousins....this is not an announcement. I'll let everyone know 3 weeks before the day.

Jez Chill said...

Y'all about to elope?!?! There's a slight chance that the perceived stress you're sensing is due to your reluctance to accept others advice if it different froms yours. In which case, keeping it secret would be best. But based on others who have done that, you may want to get your family's input first.

Rainmayun said...

um wow... I have never understood the "secret nuptials" thing, but then, there are a lot of things I don't understand...

Sojourner said...

Oh, wow. Why do I feel as though I'm living your life 2 years later??? I'm delving thru your archives and feeling as though I could be writing these words right now. This is soooo eerie!!!