Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Thursday, August 18, 2005


I'm on a blog vaca, I left some entries to remember me by. I didn't run of things to say but I must use my time differently. I'll be visiting your blog, so get to writing.

Coley asked me about my name C2A Call2Arms, a while ago. Another blogger did the abbreviation and I liked it and kept using it.

My blog is entitled Fighting For Something, so since I needed to be prepared for the fight I named myself C2A because I was making a call to myself to have my own weapons ready.


Cynthia said...

I love your name too. I will miss your updates. Good luck, and we will be waiting patiently for your return.

Jez Chill said...

I want to read more about this "fight" :-)

AMES said...

99% of the entries have been stories about my fight or my breaking through to who I am, what I want, how to be. It's been about my fight for freedom to love, live, have joy, pain, be courageous, fearful all those emotions and feelings that I'd supressed but finally came to appreciate. It's been random but it was an internal battle and I understood it all.