Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Hollywood Hills

My gf (former business partner) and her boyfriend are in town, so we headed to Katsuya in Hollywood for dinner last night. We had great fun.

She called me last week to invite us and when she told me the restaurants she was considering and knowing her, I figured she'd pick the most expensive Japanese place in L.A. The place was a bit on the pricey side but very low price compared to the taste of the food. We will be going back. The waiter walked us through the most loved items and we took all of his advice.

I had to skip the raw food- in honor of TR- but the food I ate made me wish I was a multi-millionaire so I could eat myself sick. The chef is one of the top 5 sushi chef's in the world and that food made me know why they would rate them. I am still remembering the taste and texture of the baked crab handroll.

This was first time Mr A and my gf met. Whenever he used to come to my office she wouldn't be there, they were in Texas for our wedding, and they managed not to meet for all this time.

Everyone got along great. I actually pick my friends quite well because whenever they meet each other they end up exchanging numbers and hanging out without me. I think I befriend the same type of people, friendly extroverts. I don't do well with shy folks- they require too much work and seem to add a spice of boring to the environment. I'm not as extroverted as most of my friends but I guess since they are outgoing and I'm laid back but open to different things, we work well in friendship.

As we were waiting for valet to bring their car around, we saw someone outside snapping photos. The restaurant looked like a place the folks from the Hills would go, but it was a Monday night so we were expecting it to be quiet. The place was packed.

So a very tiny black man walked in and we tried to figure out where we knew him. It was Hill Harper. That man must have to shop at the petite store. He had to be about 5'5. Then we saw some other black actor who Harper met up with, but we couldn't figure out what from, we concluded a commercial.

So then we spotted L.C. and Lo from the Hills, and some other folks sitting at a table right by the door. It was quite funny because they were texting as they set there. I guess they really do text all the time.

When we got in the car Mr A was raving about the sashimi which I couldn't try. I did try the onions that were on top of it, they were great. When TR moves out, we'll definitely be going back, so I can get the full experience.

My gf is staying very near where we live, so we have tentative plans for me to meet her at the Grove so she can share in the amazing experience that is American Girl Place. Mr A advised her bf not to go in there because it is no place for men. Mr A got as far as the hair salon for dolls and needed to exit. There were 2 extra floors he didn't get to see. He gave such a painful description to her bf that he refused to go too. That's fine though, that store is amazing and I love seeing the mommies with their little girls.

And to top off a lovely evening of fun, friendship and great food, my gf picked up the bill. All of the food came in pretty small portions and we had to share, so we had to order a bunch of it. The guys had a few drinks each and while I didn't see the bill, I have seen the menu and nothing we ordered was below $20.

We have plans to go out again while they are in town and this dinner will be on us.

We've been going out on couples events quite often. I'm enjoying it as much as possible because soon we won't be able to just get ourselves ready and hit the door, we'll have to arrange baby sitting and plan ahead.


Heart Drops said...

Hill Harper is SHORT? booooooooooooo!

AMES said...

Short is an understatement. He's tiny. If he took off his shoes you might have difficulty locating him. He had a little muscle on him which probably helps him weigh 150lbs.- that's what Mr A said. I think he weighed 120lb because he was slimmer than my pre-pregnancy self.