Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, October 04, 2004


Why in the world have I decided to post on a blogger. Is "blogger" the correct term? Well I think I have plenty of profound thoughts so why not share them? What if someone I know comes across my page and develops an impression of me from my writings? Oh well, I guess that is the risk from joining the age of technology. But does posting on a blogger mean that I'm disconnecting myself from human forms of connection? Or does it mean I'm seeking a larger audience to be entertained by (what I perceive to be) my complex thoughts? Whatever the reason, I like to write and after reading some of the blogs I see that the form some of the writers use is quite entertaining and easy to read. So my blog spot is my exploration into self/public exploration and my chance to give writing for entertainment a shot. Further I find that I can better and more concisely express my feelings/ideas if I put them in prose, so enjoy my unadorned writings. I hope not to offend, annoy, harrass, molest, intimidate, frighten......... you guys have read those signs at the zoo. Originally posted October 4, 2004

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