Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Lies, Deceit, Cover-Ups- Palin is the grandma

We've had enough lies, deceit and cover-ups with Bush and Cheney administration.

Palin seems equipped to continue the deceit.

Palin was in Texas delivering the keynote speech at an energy conference when she says she went into early labor to her special needs child. Instead of going to a hospital she hopped a flight from Texas to Alaska. That flight would be about 6 hours.

The rule of thumb is, each child you give birth to, comes faster than the last. After 4 kids baby number 5 should have popped out. She got on a flight and none of the airline personnel were aware she was pregnant or in labor.

Then she goes back to work 3 days after giving birth.

This all sounds bizarre. It makes more sense if Palin is covering up and pretending the babe is hers when it is really her 16 year old daughters.

We are no longer in the 40's/50's. What is the point of the lies? Is this just something the non-sex having pro-life folks do? If its true we'll know for sure that McCain is an idiot. He didn't even take time to google the woman. If you google her, you will find that these questions have existed since April 2008.


African girl, American world said...

are there pregnant pictures any where? suspect indeed

Miss Ali D said...

I find this entire story so fascinating, and totally believe it could be true.