Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Westside Insulation

I think I posted about my opposition to the city of L.A. banning fast food chains in certain areas of the city. Well yesterday at church my eyes were assaulted and I realized how the ban might be beneficial. I am no longer opposed.

On Friday I met up with Marvelous Mwabi- who was here visiting from KY. We journeyed to a cute little area in L.A. and had a Jamba Juice. We stopped in Pinkberry but I'm only willing to eat there if I have a coupon.

I remember yogurt shops were popular when I was a kid. They disappeared but just like the 80's fashion, they are making a comeback. Unlike the yogurt spots of my childhood, the Pink.berry prices are ridiculous, especially considering how small the fruit is. A shaved ice is $7.25.

TR and I enjoyed spending the afternoon with Mrs. Mwabi. Heyyyyy Mwabi.

On Saturday we hosted another bar-b-que. The turn out was good but we still have meat for days. Mr A started preparing his bbq sauce on Friday and it was a major hit.

TR was invited to her first party so before she and I went to our own q, we went to the 1st birthday celebration of our neighbor. TR slept through it but I had a nice time. The cupcakes were fantastic. I realize I'm not the youngest mom but those moms were even longer in tooth. It appears we won't be the oldest parents dropping our kids off at kindergarten.

Life on the Westside is so different. I witnessed two women comparing their boob jobs and looking at the lines where the doctors cut. These two women were married, in their 40's and had kids around 9.

As we were leaving church on Sunday, the woman sitting next to Mr A, told me I had a fine baby. I guess she appreciated the lack of crying. TR gave one little scream but that was all. After church we attempted to visit our borrow children. They weren't home.

We stopped by the borrow kids grandmothers house and she proceeded to inform me that the fat of bearing children would hit me when I got older. She told me I'd gotten hippy. I've always had hips, and a trunk of junk. Then she told me I had a bit of a tummy. I didn't point out that she was holding my infant which would explain my bit of tummy.

Thank goodness I'm not self conscience or of thin skin. I just think she was peeved that she couldn't look at me and say 'wow' you fell apart like my daughters did.'


Heart Drops said...

"I just think she was peeved that she couldn't look at me and say 'wow' you fell apart like my daughters did.'"
I always appreciate your POV!

Catherine said...

LOL at your last comment.

I really need her to be quiet though. She maybe can say something to you about your weight when TR is 6 months to a year. Older folks have no problem telling you to lose weight even when they are not the thinnest people...

I am realizing that more black women are getting plastic surgery. A family friend of mine in AZ got a breast lift and a tummy tuck after her two kids. She is happy, so I cannot be mad at her. I just thought we as black women didn't have the same image issues as white women. I guess I was wrong.

Serenity3-0 said...

I'm jealous that Mwabi got to meet TR and YOU..... I think I want to visit Cali now!
I actually lost weight after having birth. And then I got "thicker," I can't seem to find an explanation for it b/c I surely can't blame it on Tyler..

African girl, American world said...

Metabolism Val. I weigh now what I weighed as I signed in at the hospital to give birth and you know my baby is 7. Def a down side to being on the other side of 30.

I loved meeting you and TR! She is so good and sweet. And Mr. A was too cool too. Thanks for my tour and exercise with the walk we took:) I am so glad I had my flats with me cause my heels would not have worked....LOL

AMES said...

Mwabi, we would have figured out how to use the car seat without the base and drove- and spared your tootsies.

Icey said...

I just think she was peeved that she couldn't look at me and say 'wow' you fell apart like my daughters did.'


You know how some old folks can be!

Icey said...

Additionally, I don't think plastic surgery is an image issue as much as it is a personal issue for some black women.

I have had two children and I am bearly 35...I have plans on getting a tummy tuck should my rigorous exercise plan not suffice. I love me and ALL of my curves but I can do without that belly jelly!