Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Debt is not Money

Debt is not money. Using OPM ( other people's money) to gain things makes you a slave to that other person. If I lend you money, even at a low interest rate, it is because I have the money to lend.

Money is power. If your life is based on debt (good debt or bad debt) then you are controlled by the one with the power to give you money to pay the debt and stay in the debt.

Anyway, I need to be a part of one of these 420 conversations. I sometimes feel like people have bought in. I'm glad everyone hasn't.

This recession is making people wake up. The U.S. doesn't have the power because we have the debt.


Not so Anonymous said...

You better start teaching TR to say the United States of China.

Anonymous said...

Ha!! That's what I'm thinking.