What has happened was....... abbreviated version.....
We've been on notice that thieves have been on the prowl in our neighborhood. One sunny afternoon, Mr. A saw a crackhead pushing a cart outside our garage. He didn't know whose stuff was in the cart but he knew a crackhead bum did not live around these parts and he wouldn't let the guy take the stuff. He also knew the cart he was pushing (it wasnt't ours) looked familiar. We later realized it belonged to a neighbor.
Mr. A knew the crackhead had likely stolen the stuff which he'd covered in a garbage bag, and he was being kind just to let him pass. I was on the phone while this was occuring and listening to the conversation. The crackhead left after putting up a minimal stance of resistance and Mr A pulled the cart into the garage. He then saw that our car window had been broken. He started chasing the criminal. A woman from down the street saw Mr. A, took her dogs in the house, got in her car and proceeded to chase the thief with Mr. A as a passenger. They saw him again and Mr A demanded to be let out.
Again Mr. A is military trained so he was on the guy. These guys are trained to fight guerillas in the jungle so a crackhead in the city isn't that great of a challenge. They rounded a corner and Mr. A couldn't hit the corner without looking to ensure the guy wasn't on the other side waiting to surprise attack. This is where Mr. A lost visual. By this time I was outside looking and on the phone with the Po-Po. I wasn't worried about Mr. A's safety I was worried that he might kill the guy.
I know that if he had got him immediately then we'd have self-defense but if he chased him and beat him to death, then we might have some jail time. The woman who had used her car to pursue the suspect (yeah I watch too many cop shows) came and had me get in the car. She was also concerned that Mr. A might kill the guy. I guess she thought I could stop it? Pul....leeeze. I am not that idiot. I'd be over there screaming for Mr. A to stop and distracting him and allow the crackhead a advantage. Nope. Not me. I know how these things work. Let men be men. Emotional wrecks need to back away.
We saw Mr. A and I got out of her car to walk with him. The police arrived a little while later, took a report and within 15 minutes they had Mr. A come around to i.d. the rogue. Good ol' L.A.P.D. who I had 0 confidence in actually went and found the criminal. I didn't even think they'd look. Then they sent out a finger print guy and another investigator.
Fortunately the thief didn't get away with any of our stuff because Mr. A being a good samaritan wasn't gonna let him steal anyone's stuff. What are the odds of stopping a crime and discovering that you were protecting your own self?
So hopefully we will get to trial because Mr. A and the other neighbors are ready to testify.
By the time the police arrived swarms of neighbors had gathered. I had to sneak away from them. It's good to live around folks that care what goes on in their area, but they will put you to work if you let them.
One woman had a bundle of emails listing various thefts. The teens who commit crimes in the afternoon. The crackhead who was trying to victimize us was a grown adult, so he didn't fit that profile. He also had the nerve to remove his sweatshirt while he was running from Mr. A. I guess he thought taking it off made him invisible.
Crack is wack and will wack up a brain.
Whoa. That's deep. I love Mr. A and all, but while reading this I was thinking that in the ATL, some of our crackheads carry guns.
We had and still have a crackhead in my childhood neighborhood. The neighbors actually got together in the early 80's, sat him down and employed him to clean up the yards in the community and other odd projects.
Darryl the Crackhead (yes, that's what we all call him even to this day) still rakes my mom's yard, cuts the grass and even tried to help kill a squirrel that got inside the house.
He's been a fixture for 20 years now. Granted, our neighborhood is lucky - our crackhead was/is benign. And I guess paying him deters him from stealing.
At any rate, I'm glad Mr. A alright and that the suspect (COPS speak lol) was apprehended without further incident!!
I'm also glad this wasn't an armed crackhead because I know they will shoot you and not realize they pulled the trigger. It might be safer to have a sober gang banger armed with a gun than a person needing a hit.
dang Mr. A! LOL!
i'm glad that sitch turned out ok. having somebody steal your ish, or even try to is feels so violating. but Mr. A might want to fall back next time...unless he has his gun on him...lol.
K, please join me in prayer that Mr. A learns the skill of falling back. I think him surviving growing up in L.A. during the peak of war between crips and bloods makes him feel invincible.
Some of the stories he has shared makes me know God has covered his life. Now if we can just get him to develop more caution........
Wow Please do tell Mr. A to be careful. I'm glad he didn't just turn a blind eye but you guys gotta be careful. I've had someone break into my car twice (years ago) and the feeling of having your stuff stolen is devastating even if it's just a cd so I know your neighbors really appreciated you guys.
I'm laughing so hard at K's comment... Fall Back.. LMAO
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