Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

4 a.m.

My brother sent a couple of emails to me around 4 a.m. this morning. I'm helping him with some of his business matters and the emails were about business. My mom was up doing paperwork and I was up trying to get TR back to sleep. She wanted to play.

Yesterday morning my mom was up on her treadmil at 5 a.m. She called her cousin who was also up. When I say 'up' I mean up and moving. My mom went by her cousins house at 5:30 a.m. and they handled business.

My goal is to be one of the early movers. I should be up getting work done. I'd already be a millionaire if I had that type of work ethic and committment. I only work like that when I'm working on a deadline. I'm sure my business would be amazing if I was like them.

My current goal: I have a brief due in late December. My goal is to have the final draft complete by Monday December 8. It's going fairly well. I usually procrastinate on these things.

I'll have to work on that 4 a.m. thing. Maybe I'll start at 6 a.m. Maybe if I work a little bit of exercise in my morning, I can be going by 5:30 a.m.

Regular rest and little hard work is not the path to wealth. I don't know anyone who achieved great success by sleeping in.


Not so Anonymous said...

You are making me feel like a slacker, lol. I like getting up and at 'em, but 4am, whew...I can't do But, I'm going to cross my fingers for you :)

Anonymous said...

I feel like an extreme slacker. Everyone around me is accomplishing things and I'm trying to stay warm in my bed.

Anonymous said...

I feel like an extreme slacker. Everyone around me is accomplishing things and I'm trying to stay warm in my bed.