Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, December 01, 2008


We were in Vallejo this weekend and Safeway had regular gas for $1.77. That price is before the club discount. WOW!!

The news has reported that we've been in a recession for a year. DUHHH! Some sheeple seemed to believe there wasn't a recession because of the defenition of the word. We're probably in the early part of a depression so calling a recession is still underplaying what's really occuring.

Mr A and I are still in Oakland. My brother started a business and Mr A is helping him get and keep things together. My brother had been calling me almost bi-weekly trying to find out when Mr A could get up here.

A couple of weeks ago one of the employees was calling my brother every ten minutes complaining about stress. My brother works in a different city and that day he was in a meeting that he couldn't leave. My mother and sister had to go and let the employee go home. Can you believe that silly person keeps asking my brother when he'll get back on the schedule? If you walk off the job, why would someone want you back.

That applies to relationships, when people break up/walk away from the relationship why do they go back and why do people take them back? If it was bad enough to leave, then its bad enough to be consistent in that decision. It's one thing to think about quitting but when you actually quit then its bad.

Why do I keep running into divorced women who hypenated while married but use only the exes name once divorced?

Why are people having divorce parties? They should be pricked with a needle on their big toe. It's a party to celebrate a person making a disatrous life decision and tying to lives together only to rip them asunder.

Such thought patterns IMO is what seperates a marriage as a religious institution from a civil union as a legal matter. In my version of Christianity you may get a state sanctioned divorce but you are married under God's eyes. Once you marry the next spouse you are an adulter. Everyone doesn't believe like I do, so for them a divorce party is just an expose on how insignificant their legal marriage is to them. In God, a marriage is til death, in the state a marriage is until the other person does what you don't like.

Disclaimer: If you mate is beating or abusing you or your kids then I'm not suggesting anyone remain. I do suggest you remain single because clearly you are bad or careless at choosing mates.

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