Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I would love to write a post over here, but its too much work.

I can read blogs, even comment but the effort to complete a blog is pushing my morning- through out the day- sickness.

I have lots of work to do, but I've just been laying on the sofa. I made it to Whole Foods today for fruit for breakfast. It was yummy.

I know other women push their way through and go to work and raise families, and I could if I had to. But doggonit I don't have to.

Thank God for Mr. A. If I didn't have him, I have no idea what I'd do. I guess I'd have to get up and get busy. But on the bright side the books seem to say that next month I should be done with the morning sickness. And in other bright things, the sickness didn't start until after Thanksgiving. So I'm pretty fortunate.

Be back when the churning ceases.


Serenity3-0 said...

I know what your book might say, but I know firsthand that my morning sickness lasted the entire 9 mos and it definitely wasn't just in the mornings. It was 24 hr sickness. The last of it went away as they were doing the epidural.. Good luck~

Anonymous said...

So I know that you got the Mocha Mom's Manual. I gave it to two of my friends shortly after they found out they were expecting. I remember a previous blog where you mentioned not being able to wait until you got your own. Congratulations to you and Mr. A. I am at the hospital right now because one of my (three) friends is expecting this evening.

AMES said...

S23, this morning madness is so icky. But so far throwing up is the only thing that makes me feel better. This has got to end.

Thanks for stopping by enigma. Congrats on the new baby in your friendship circle.