Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Is it just me or are there people that need others to dwell in spots of darkness? I understand that some people like to remain, remember and re-live the dark moments of their life, but why do they want others to do the same? Some don't allow past moments of difficulty to be an experience they overcame and grow from, they need it to be a defining moment that negatively impacts aspects of their life.

There are people who would have us believe that if your parents divorced your likelihood of divorce increases. That you are battling a generational curse. My parents divorced and my mother told me as a child to ignore that madness because YOU don't have to get divorced. People with their single mother statistics. God defies statistics.

My maternal and paternal grandparents were married, each of their parents were married and each of their parents were married until death parted them. Now if I said that was a generational blessing that my marriage was under, folks would get annoyed, but people would be favorable if I spoke of a curse.

My mother raised a Ph.D pyschologist/politician/entrepenuer, executive/politician/entrepreneur lawyer/entrepreneur. In his 20's my brother was 3rd from the top at a large quasi-governmental agency, in his 20's he was the youngest elected person in the state. He had 3 different jobs in 2007, each one paid more than the last. My sister earns more than all of us and she isn't a lawyer or a MD. I'm the least successful and standing alone people think I'm pretty successful. My mother didn't raise any crack heads, jail birds, lazy, underemployed folks or children she couldn't boast about. When people ask her what she did, she tells them she didn't know how to raise kids, God helped her. A person can grow up with 0 parents but if God is in the mix, they will be blessed.

I believe I have led an extremely blessed life. The greatest blessing is that I come from a lineage of people that understand God's gift of peace. I truly believe my family has been granted the gift of generational blessings. If you ask me I will share all of my blessings. If you ask me to tell you who did me wrong at any time in life, I will tell you God has blessed me with peace and not the spirit of dwelling in unhappiness. People like to say "we all have one of those relatives." No, I don't have any of them because both sides of my family are blessed and we exist in the belief that God delivers.

Sorry if my happiness and hope doesn't make people feel better about their misery and strife but all I can recommend is Jesus. Try him. Marx said religion is the opiot of the people. Let that be your opiot. Let it sooth you and pacify you. Let it give you hope that your past and mistakes are forgiven that you don't have to dwell in that bad place because God heals and delivers, minds, bodies, emotions, whatever else. Let it provide hope that even if you only have -$10 to your name, your needs will be met. If God is loving you, you won't get focused on the earthly trappings people fight to hold onto, in the quest for calm.

God has kept me in good health and even during my times of sickness, I said I am well, I am healed. In my times of sadness I have sad I am happy. My mom always said so a man thinketh so is he. I think I am wealthy, therefore I am. God has met all my needs, financial, health wise and everything else.

If all I ever give my kids is the gift of where to find peace and how to keep hope, I think I'll have made them wealthy.

P.S. if anyone is ever looking for a hard luck, woe is me story it won't be found here. As long as I believe God has not abandoned me, I will always find the positive in my life.


Anonymous said...


African girl, American world said...

I can't stand when people want you to be miserable if they are miserable and want their experience to be your experience!
kudos to your Mom for a job well done!

Serenity3-0 said...

This was a timely message. I smiled when I read the achievements of your mother's kids. I speak blessings constantly over Tyler's life and when I write about him on my blog, I get other people to speak blessings over him as well. It's a good thing.. I wonder how some find peace and joy in simple things in life, but others seem to strive to find the worst?

BlackLiterature said...

Just had a friend give birth, she agrees with your mom. Also suggests that you let the nurses to as much as possible ie changing, helping with crying, sleeping, etc. Once you get home, you and your hub will be doing it, so rest while you can. ;-)

The hub is trying to convince my mom to come out for 2 months we deliver. We'll see. She tried to baby me too much at Christmas. I'm guessing that she will not have the time nor inclination to baby me when the baby gets here. LOL

Heart Drops said...

Woman.That is a word right there. While there are some family members I'd rather not even associate with, I still pray that my kids will be unique individuals destined to succeed despite generational habits and such. I don't even want my kids to be like me or my husband or my parents or whoever. I want them to be better. And I have started praying about it because I'll be darned. LOL

K. said...

definitely something to think about.

Icey said...

Girl you better preach! I love hearing the blessings of others...all that other misery loves company mess, please kick rocks!