Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Those people who you just can't stand and who everyone else you know can't stand either.Many of us have met people that don't like us and whom we don't like for whatever reason or for no reason at all, I'm speaking of people who kill the comfort of a crowd. They may have other attributes like intelligence but were not blessed and never developed social graces.

Social handicap crosses gender lines, I've met a couple dudes I just couldn't stand and who seemed to make the room annoyed by their presence. I've only met one chick who has this handicap. I'm somewhat indifferent towards her for the most part but I get a kick from watching how strangers respond to her. It's not so much the attitude she has, but the actual words that come from her mouth. Always critical, seeking attention, trying to portray an image of class, quality and means and being one of the cheapest people, with no idea of quality you'd never wanna meet.

At social functions strangers from various regions of the country insult her, mostly men, women just hurry and move away. The funny thing is she thinks she doesn't like women and that women are too trifling for her to mingle with. It's actually the women who dread being in her prescence. But don't get it twisted she insults folks to their face, seeming to be oblivous of what she is saying. She looks at the guys in the club and negatively critiques them from head to toe. So when the odd guy takes out the time to break her down, everyone in earshot brims with glee.

A couple friends have analyzed critical chick and have come to the conclusion that she was probably unattractive and very unpopular during her formative years and now subconsciously has to get attention of any kind. No one has come up with any explanations as to why she's so mean and critical. Maybe it's because she doesn't like anyone, which she doesn't appear to.

Someone out there may think this blog is about them, but as the singer lady says "you're so vain, you probably think this song is about you." If you pay me 10k I'll cook you dinner and let you know who critical chick is.

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