Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, December 27, 2004


The rain is romance
It brings its own lighting
No need to close the blinds in the daytime
It inspires a cuddle
As I listen to the sound of the rain and hear his heartbeat

The rain is my permission to wear my comfortable clothes
Romance doesn't feel like silk
It feels like flannel, warm and comforting
It feels like cashmere, smooth and soft
When it rains I want flannel, I want cashmere
I want him

The rain wants me to slow things down
That's romance, no rush
Time to savor the warmth, the joy, the peace
Each raindrop is like a kiss


Sivad said...

that was a very nice poem. i liked that :)

AMES said...

Thanks a lot Sivad.

RahX said...


beautful. Flannel is so warm and comforting, even when its just you and your lonesome self wearing it.