Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Leave me Be

I voted weeks ago, by absentee ballot. I voted for OBAMA!

I voted prior to South Carolina and prior to Bill Clinton acting a fool.

We tried to get our church on but Bill Clinton disturbed those plans. I'm not against a minister allowing candidates or their supporters to come to church and have a word. I am strongly opposed to a minister that allows a candidate- or that candidates husband to come into the church and talk for a lengthy period and then cause the minister to try to deliver a message in 10-15 minutes.

I will be writing Bishop Noel Jones and his church administration a letter. I needed a word, some scriptures, not a message from Bill Clinton. I pray for the president- whoever that person may be- and I realize God reigns supreme. Because God reigns supreme and people come to church for a word, a politician on the campaign trail should not trump the reason we go to church.

Hmmm, we left that church early because after being bombarded with election stuff when I was trying to get a word, we ended up leaving early. It just destroyed the vibe. I went to West Angeles where the purpose of church was not set aside for a few votes.

I want to thank the Obama people for not polluting the purpose of church.

Sending Bill to a black church that he has never been too, is akin to sending the overseer to the slave house to reminding the slaves that he was good to them and gave them those chitterlings and to dance on cue at the watermelon seed spitting contest.

Oh and Bill wasn't getting cheers as I'm sure he probably expected. It was quite calm. HA HA HA. When he said Hillary as president he got very little. Just those few die hards who tried to clap really hard. As we were walking in, there were news crews outside and people kept asking excitedly "is Obama here" when they heard it was Bill the consensus was no one wants to hear him. Lots of deflation when it was discovered to be Bill.

I'm not against Hillary or Bill but I do recall how hard they made it for democrats as they departed office. They made the country yearn for a change from the filth of the Billary years. Sure the economy was good but the white house had to be disinfected and the Clintons vandalized the place and stole things. Lets not forget that they were charging to allow folks to spend the night in various rooms in the white house.

I DO NOT want to go back. If Billary gets back in the democratic party may never recover.

I am grateful to my California residents for making Hillary worry. She thought she had us on lock. She thought she could ride on Bill's coattails. I remember the days of Bill stopping by to raise money. They other politicians would ask him to stop because he was taking all the money. Hill isn't earning those dollars. She can't even leave this state because Obama's numbers are surging. There are elections in 21 other states but she is here pandering to the Latinos, and stealing Barracks stump speech.

Had Bill Clinton not showed up at church and spoke for so long- as if he has a right to stop church- then I wouldn't be upset. I'm upset at the minister too. What type of religious leader allows this type of thing to happen? I've been to church many times on the Sunday before an election- NEVER- in life have I seen the pulpit turned over. Is this an L.A. thing?

1 comment:

BlackLiterature said...

No, this is the Clintons trying to win Calif by winning / reclaiming the "collective" Black vote -- They are old guard politics and csahing their chips in with their old guard buddies.

There is a reason why Hillary had the support of Black clergy and old guard Black politicians when she announced her candidacy instead of Obama. I'm not for voting for him just because he is Black, but I did think more of the Black political "leadership" would give him a chance before making a decision/leanding support. I think they misjudged.

I am waiting and hoping more of the democratic leadership will speak up like Senator Kennedy.