Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Fading to Black

You may have noticed I'm slowly fading to black. I'm focused man. I'm so excited about TR arriving that I can barely contain myself. Mr A and I have extensive plans for what we want to do when our baby arrives. We want to kiss, hug, squeeze, and just spend time enjoying our blessing. Mr A is plotting some rough housing and football practice, he's really looking forward to the next ski eason with TR and has mentioned custom baby skies. We plan to take baby to the park and enjoy the sun, picnics, church, and just enjoy our lives with TR and the beginning of what we hope will be a good number of children.

It looks as if we'll have our first 6 figure gov't contract signed and possibly started before TR arrives so I'm looking forward to strapping TR into the baby sling and stopping by to have lunch with Mr A on the days he has to train folks. We went to the pre-bid meeting and the site had a very nice cafeteria and as we walked out the door I foresaw lunch for us when we got to be subs on the bid. Food is always heavy on my mind.

This project will allow for Mr A to work the project one day a week and he'll have time to work on other bids we'll recieve after that. The life we visioned and worked towards is happening for us. We are blessed.

I'm fading to black but I'll likely return once TR arrives and I have the hang of mommyhood and can change a diaper and feed a baby while mixing up dinner (I'll wash my hands)and settling a case. I have lofty goals.

Don't fret, there will be photos issued- once the baby is nice and chubby and not still in shock from leaving womb and entering the world. I may also post my childbirth experience- I'm planning natural and unmedicated. We'll see how that goes.

I'm still battling my blogging addiction. I may have to have Mr A change the password and hide it from me.

Later gators!


Fergie said...

Hi There,
Good Luck with everything. I'll be checking back every now and then to hear about all the excitement and see pictures of the baby. Congrats on this new chapter of your life.

Miss Ali D said...

I wondered what was up with the black background! All makes sense now.

Sounds like you and Mr. A have things lined up for TR's arrival. What an exciting time. I look forward to seeing pictures of Baby TR's arrival. Good luck and take care.

Heart Drops said...

good luck and take care! Do let us know when TR comes!

Anonymous said...

When is he coming again? You'll be missed and can't wait for pics. Can you send me your registry so TR can get some threads from KY?


Icey said...

Take care and continue to enjoy all of God's blessings for you and your family. That baby will be among the best blessings you and your hubs receive!! There is nothing like a wanted baby!!

I am truly happy for you and your family! Thank you for sharing with us!

Take care and I look forward to seeing your son!

Anonymous said...

aight trooper. good luck with that natural birthing!

Honest said...

I can't wait to see the baby. Don't wait too long to share pictures.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! See you on the other side, Mom!

iPhone Games said...

How exciting! I'm thankful that you're about to be blessed with a child. I will be his biggest supporter if you get him on skis! I just returned from a ski convention with plenty of contacts. So hopefully, I will be organizing some affordable & fun trips for this year & the following years. Congrats to you and Mr. A. I'm really happy for y'all.

African girl, American world said...

Glad you're all ok. We miss you over here :(