Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, June 30, 2008

ForLove 21

My cousin was in town last week - either Thursday or Friday and we discovered Forlove 21 at the Beverly Center. It's sister to Forever 21 but all accessories. Pretty cool place. We both had gift cards for Macy's and we got TR a bunch of cute outfits. We had lunch at Toast. Toast is a very L.A. place. I try to give the total L.A. experience when I can. I had "the Lus", and that sandwhich was amazing with addictive potential.

Speaking of "for love" and "forever" our wedding anniversary is upon us. Life with Mr A has been pretty great. I've noticed that the longer we are wed the quicker we get past any dispute. Pretty cool. That probably works great for Mr A because I'm a bit dramatic. Now we have little Miss TR and she adds a whole new beauty to life and our relationship.

We're still in awe that we've been blessed with our tiny person. I'm holding her right now. She usually is glued to Mr A's chest but he needed to get into his sleep. Me and TR are on one end of the sofa, he is on the other, my feet are under his thighs. The news is on and I'm slightly watching. Welcome to the Good Life.

I never knew how good this type of life could feel. Thank the Lord for blessing me. I don't know why he did or why this was granted to me, but I am grateful. We plan to remain living in the city, so we won't totally become that couple- you know "I Think I Love My Wife" dull and predictable. My great aunt Bessie and Uncle Major were like that- sans children. As a kid I felt like I was being punished when we went to their house. Their home was beautiful, a show place almost, too much valuable stuff to break and perfectly maintained wood floors that creaked when a kid moved. I'd try to limit my visits to times my grandparents were there. My grandparents defined vivacious.

Mr A was gifted- from me to him- a manstation type grill so he'll do barbecue this weekend. It's nice that folks celebrate and have firework displays in honor of our marriage. :)


Serenity3-0 said...

I NEED to see this store you speak of... Oh yeah and there's nothing like the love you feel for your child! Just wait til she can verbalize her love back to you.. Your heart is gonna melt! Happy Anniversary!

African girl, American world said...

Happy Anniversary lovebirds

Miss Ali D said...

Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary!!!