Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

For Your Love

Mr A likes my hair long, so I keep it long. I do plan to cut it in a few years. I think long hair is for younger women. I want to embrace my advancing years and look good in them. I think 30 is a time to have fashions that sizzle and announce that you are in your 30's and living them well.

Mr A is opposed to fake hair. He doesn't like hair weaves, extensions, wigs, etc. Fortunately for him I haven't worn fake hair in years and more years. If I braid my hair, I braid the hair that grows on my head. He thinks fake hair signifies the fakeness of the person. I think fake hair on women is about fashion but I can see why a man might think that. I'd question a man with a toupe or fake mustache.

I like my man clean cut, but everynow and again I ask Mr. A to let his hair grow a bit. He does and gets it shaped. Then I like to see him with a fresh hair cut. I love that too. I have a photo of him the day we met and he was wearing his hair a little longer. Not long as in long enough to braid but long as in, you can't see the scalp.

I think its pretty cool to consider someone enough that you want to look good for them and have someone who consider you enough that they want to look good for you.

In other things I've picked up some holiday weight. When I told Mr A I was fat he told me that I was not and that I looked good.

A little bit after that conversation I saw a woman who had an almost 2 year old. I saw her early last year and she was a bit more plump. When I saw her that night she was so thin I was frightened. Mr A said she was skinny in high school. Anyway I want to be trim not skinny and thanks to that visual I will know when to stop with the weight loss.

It's nice that Mr A loves me regardless of size but I don't want to fat or thick, or skinny. I just want to stick with my atheletic yet juicy build. I have to get to work. I want to look good when I'm on the parent committee at TR and my future childrens' high school.


Anonymous said...

I'm the opposite - I'm keeping my hair short in my twenties and then growing it out as I get older. Maybe because long hair makes me look younger.

I'm not a fan of weaves because I haven't really tried it yet. If I do get one, it has to look very natural. I'm considering a few short tracks in the back to make my hair look fuller, but not longer.

And no, you're not fat! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you didn't say "not that fat." :)

Catherine said...

I love the pictures of you and TR. She is a happy baby:-) Your hair is gorgeous so I see why Mr. A wants you to keep it long! I don't see any holiday weight, but I can understand if you feel the holiday bloat. I feel it myself...

Anonymous said...

Catherine she is a happy baby, folks have finally quit blaming her smiles and laughs on gas.

My hair is odd. Apparently I am one of the women who sheds hair around the edges post-pregnancy. Fortunately its growing back.

Anonymous said...

Is 58 too old for waist-length hair? I'll have to inform my wife soon. Just kidding!