Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Thought for the Morning

A marriage of love.

A marriage based in love is not entered into and does not survive and flourish because the parties are perfectly synced on every issue or on every major issue.

The marriage of love is built upon a commitment and a promise that we will work out each issue because we know what we share is something spectacular and will grow because of the effort we put into it. Its about honor, not greed.

The beauty of love is a well-earned gift.

Love does not proclaim- "oh well, do you." Love thinks of 'us', 'we', 'ours'.

Any questions?


Anonymous said...

ditto! very profound.

me said...

I love this post! What I love even more is that its coming straight from the horses mouth (a married woman). I'm not married, but I completely agree.

Serenity3-0 said...

Interesting. I wonder how one knows that the other party is as committed as they are before the marriage? I know in relationships I've felt committed to making it work and then I've felt the other person just didn't have the same committment.

AMES said...

My thought: Sane men tend to be honest. If you ask them -and don't tell them what you want to hear or look like the answer might make you cry- they will answer. Leave no room for an indirect answer.

Men know directly lying to a woman can be dangerous.