Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

How the Rich Live

Ivanka Trump was on Morning Joe this a.m.

She said there is a palpable fear amongst people at this time of global economic crisis. She spoke of people she knew who made millions each year and how they were having family meetings on how they were going to cut back and make different decisions. I hear middle class folks feeling confident about their plantations ability to withstand and their feelings of job security and savings.

My grandmother was alive during the depression, she said they were using dollar bills as wall paper because they were worthless. Banks failed, money in those banks was lost. The govt doesn't have funds to insure all the money in banks. They can create more paper but it will be worthless. My grandmother and her parents were blessed to own their land and home and have farms and food to eat.

Middle class people do not seem to realize they are poor and that middle class is just a term to make people feel better. Middle class people are soooo drinking the kool-aid. It's the middle that keep the rich wealthy and the poor operating.

The wealthy work forever because they love what they do. Middle class work until they can afford to stop. The poor- I'm not sure what they do.

I was having this discussion with my mother yesterday. I was telling her people can't live on SSI anymore. She informed me that my statement is sort of true, sort of false.

If SSI is all a person has to live on, they can go rent a $2000 house and only pay 30% of their income, then they can get reduced rates on necessary services like phone and utilities. She helped one of her cousins get a home phone (he owns his home w/o mortgage because his mother paid for it, his mother died and now my mom helps him) and he only has to pay $5 per month.

If I die an old woman and die middle class, I believe I will have lived far beneath my potential and failed. I have no desire to achieve wealth for the perks, I just don't want to live my life in the trap of middle class. I want to win at this game called life. I also want my children to know they can go beyond being middle- if they so desire. I know I don't need to be rich and I'm not trying to buy anything, but the achievement of some real wealth is a goal of mine. Its sorta like people who want to climb a high mountain, they just want the satisfaction of acheiving a goal that takes discipline to meet.

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