Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Mommy Life

I'm thoroughly enjoying the mommy life. It has to be one of the best roles ever invented.

Yesterday TR and I took a trip to our banks. I considered putting her in her stroller and taking a nice walk but decided to drive so I could get home and have lunch.

As I got dressed and did my hair, I noticed her watching me. She usually lays on the bed as I get myself ready. I remember being a kid and lying on the bed watching my grandmother get dressed on Sunday mornings. My mother would be dressed or at least in her slip by the time we awoke, so I don't really remember her getting ready.

After I got dressed I put TR's clothes on. She wore her pink sweats, a white shirt with a ruffled collar and a green jacket. It got warm during our outing so she removed the jacket. Dressing her is pretty fun because she laughs, smiles and moves as we dress her. My brother was dressing her last week and he was laughing because she is so interactive.

Since she can hold her head I'm able to carry her around pretty easily, so we walked around the village to do our errands. We got home and hung out.

I enjoy her so much. What's also amazing is my new waking hours. I'm up and alert by 6 a.m most mornings, waiting for her to wake up. She sleeps well through- most nights but I'm still up waiting. If I get her when she starts moving around and holding her head up, she'll ususlly start out with a smile. She tries to give us time to get to her before she starts yelling.

She is up from her nap, streching, smiling, and surveying her environment. It's just great to watch her wake up. Babies grow, change and learn so fast and I'm enjoying this journey.


Not so Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you're having so much fun. They are amazing..those wonderful little people. It gets even better especially as you see their personality transform through the years...keep having fun!

AMES said...

Aretha when I meet women in stores they tend to say "enjoy this time, its over before you realize" then most break off into how things turn into a battle with negotiations as the kid grows. You are the first to say it gets better.

I'm looking forward to going to tea at American Girl Place, taking her shopping and all the things moms do with daughters.