My girlfriend has been working on Disn.ey's firs.t b.lack princ.ess. I was aware of how difficult it was for Disney to make that movie because it had to be approved by so many sects of black people. She shared with me some of the ridiculous (she didn't call them ridiculous) measures Disney took to make a movie, that will probably still make folks upset and feel unrepresented. The writers were actually sending scripts to various black folks to get their opinions and made script changes based on what those opinions were. So the creative vision of the film got destroyed by opinions.
The movie had been Madd.y the Fr.og Prin.cess, but folks started complaining about her name being Maddy and not pretty like the other Di.sney Princess'. Her name was Madelaine and she is from N.O. Then an uproar on why she had to be a frog princess. They changed the name to and of course complaints began that the name was very ethnic.
Sorta like the CNN special- which I didn't watch, but am near vomit level at the number of useless complaints concerning it. CNN failed to get the consensus of various black sects and people were displeased. Folks were complaining about that "Our Kind of People" book because it didn't represent black people well. Folks complained about the Cosby show because of blah blah blah, folks complained about the Good Times because of blah blah blah. We just complain.
How about not consuming the product and spending your money on what you like. It's like this madness with the fast food ban in L.A. If people want to be fat and greasy on the inside and out, let them. Why should the gov't be so paternalistic?
I look forward to the day when black folks can just be. Be without attempting to prove they do or don't exist within a stereotype. Then one day everyone else will realize we aren't of one thought, don't need a leader and our entertainment options won't have to fit into a formula before receiving a green light.
I could go on, but life is too short to spend time complaining and being annoyed.
Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
My high school was a performing arts magnet. It was also one of the best in the Bay Area for athletics. I lived in the area and that was my talent.
From my 3 years of high school I can look and see many of my classmates followed their dreams. I turn on my t.v. or radio and hear folks I know or recognize. I was very pleased to see Ledisi get a grammy nomination. She was a senior when I was a sophomore and I always hoped she'd be recognized for her talent. I'm so glad she preservered. The world deserves to hear her voice.
When gospel choir would travel to do performances, we'd always request that she sing For The Good of Them. I thought kids needed to be blessed with her voice. She didn't sing to showcase her vocal chords, it was from the heart.
I'd be in choir singing my teenage heart out and near tears, in fact most of the choir would be in tears when she was done. Her voice was so sincere, so powerful, so amazing. She was so tired of singing that song but we'd always request it.
It's amazing how long it can take real talent to receive recognition and a true gift to gain acceptance. I think its a must to have the drive to continue when obstacles present themselves.
The folks who seem to get 'it' easy, aren't always the best, they aren't even the most driven or worthy. Sometimes depending on what the 'it' is, they were the ones willing to compromise first. They were the ones willing to sell, give away or barter whatever they needed to get 'it'. They were the ones willing to float instead of rise to their personal best. They aren't the ones who gain longevity.
I had other classmates, who got record deals and would miss days in class due to touring. Those careers evaporated pretty quickly. Then they found themselves entangled with labels and not even owning their name.
It may have taken my scholmate a while to get her foot in the door but I noticed her voice has grown and I recently read an article and it appears she has grown as an individual and gained an ability to master the business and maintain her musical and personal integrity. Sometimes the wait is a blessing. Sometimes the wait might be the thing you need to test your commitment to your goal. If you let it go, did you really want 'it'?
From my 3 years of high school I can look and see many of my classmates followed their dreams. I turn on my t.v. or radio and hear folks I know or recognize. I was very pleased to see Ledisi get a grammy nomination. She was a senior when I was a sophomore and I always hoped she'd be recognized for her talent. I'm so glad she preservered. The world deserves to hear her voice.
When gospel choir would travel to do performances, we'd always request that she sing For The Good of Them. I thought kids needed to be blessed with her voice. She didn't sing to showcase her vocal chords, it was from the heart.
I'd be in choir singing my teenage heart out and near tears, in fact most of the choir would be in tears when she was done. Her voice was so sincere, so powerful, so amazing. She was so tired of singing that song but we'd always request it.
It's amazing how long it can take real talent to receive recognition and a true gift to gain acceptance. I think its a must to have the drive to continue when obstacles present themselves.
The folks who seem to get 'it' easy, aren't always the best, they aren't even the most driven or worthy. Sometimes depending on what the 'it' is, they were the ones willing to compromise first. They were the ones willing to sell, give away or barter whatever they needed to get 'it'. They were the ones willing to float instead of rise to their personal best. They aren't the ones who gain longevity.
I had other classmates, who got record deals and would miss days in class due to touring. Those careers evaporated pretty quickly. Then they found themselves entangled with labels and not even owning their name.
It may have taken my scholmate a while to get her foot in the door but I noticed her voice has grown and I recently read an article and it appears she has grown as an individual and gained an ability to master the business and maintain her musical and personal integrity. Sometimes the wait is a blessing. Sometimes the wait might be the thing you need to test your commitment to your goal. If you let it go, did you really want 'it'?
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Our weekend was lovely.
We hit the Grove on Friday and had dinner in the Farmer's Market. TR rode in my sling and she got a great deal of attention. I never realized how much interest babies evoke in strangers.
TR seems to be social like her dad so she didn't mind the attention.
I've always liked babies that I know , but I was unprepared to be approached and questioned by so many strangers. People were all up in my sling. 'Pregnant women and babies are people magnets. I admit to getting excited today when I saw a pregnant woman. I loved carrying TR and seeing the woman made me reminisce fondly.
We went to American Girl Place and TR got checked out like she was a doll. I think the sling adds to the fascination. Other parents were pushing their baby in cadillac strollers and a few had the bjorns, and I imagine our contraption is less familiar therefore automatically interesting. Someone even asked me if I had a real baby in there. I heard one woman tell her child I was a good mommy because I carried my baby.
On Saturday, Mr A worked his magic on the grill. One of our neighbors was over and told Mr A that he needs to be on one of those Food Network shows.
Mr A cooks/grills with total love and does something special with the meat. I'd tell his secret ingredients but our retirement job might be some type of restaurant, so the method has to be protected. Another neighbor came by with homemade guacomale dip and chicken wings. He marinates his chicken in plain yogurt. Mr A grilled the chicken. It was tender and um um good. The dip was amazingly tasty.
Sunday was church an
d TR was Mr A's passenger. TR was great in church. After service we hit Costco. Observing the reactions to Mr A transporting TR was very interesting. I got a little perturbed when 3 women stopped him by the zip loc bags. Then I recalled that when I woild see a handsome man caring for his cute baby, I'd oooooh, awwwweee and have little heart thumps. The world is a sexist place and I have sexist inclinations too. Yes.............. I just called Mr A handsome and TR cute.
Mr A and I have a game of monopoly to finish. I think I'm winning. He has more cash but I have the most expensive properties with hotels on them.
Have a blessed week.
We hit the Grove on Friday and had dinner in the Farmer's Market. TR rode in my sling and she got a great deal of attention. I never realized how much interest babies evoke in strangers.
TR seems to be social like her dad so she didn't mind the attention.
I've always liked babies that I know , but I was unprepared to be approached and questioned by so many strangers. People were all up in my sling. 'Pregnant women and babies are people magnets. I admit to getting excited today when I saw a pregnant woman. I loved carrying TR and seeing the woman made me reminisce fondly.
We went to American Girl Place and TR got checked out like she was a doll. I think the sling adds to the fascination. Other parents were pushing their baby in cadillac strollers and a few had the bjorns, and I imagine our contraption is less familiar therefore automatically interesting. Someone even asked me if I had a real baby in there. I heard one woman tell her child I was a good mommy because I carried my baby.
On Saturday, Mr A worked his magic on the grill. One of our neighbors was over and told Mr A that he needs to be on one of those Food Network shows.
Mr A cooks/grills with total love and does something special with the meat. I'd tell his secret ingredients but our retirement job might be some type of restaurant, so the method has to be protected. Another neighbor came by with homemade guacomale dip and chicken wings. He marinates his chicken in plain yogurt. Mr A grilled the chicken. It was tender and um um good. The dip was amazingly tasty.
Sunday was church an

Mr A and I have a game of monopoly to finish. I think I'm winning. He has more cash but I have the most expensive properties with hotels on them.
Have a blessed week.
Friday, July 25, 2008

TR had her first photo shoot today. The photographer came to the house and we had a good time watching it happen. The photographer was great. She wore her pink kimono.
Mr A has been putting our grill to good use. He got it at the beginning of July and we've used it 3 weekends and at least one week night this month. One night he grilled pork chops and they were amazing. The last time he used it,
he made us dinner for a few days and one of our neighbors brought crabcakes for us to grill. He's been using wood- instead of charcoal- and the food tastes yummy.

He'll be grilling again tomorrow and TR and I will be sitting outside watching him do his thing.
Sunday will be our first trip to church with the newest addition to our family. Well...... we went all the time when she was my passenger but ya know what I'm saying.
Have a beautiful weekend.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
ROMANCE.. about the possibility of the thing. From the time when you first meet some fine ass woman... To the time you make love to her. From the time you first propose to her. To the time you say I do. When people who have been together for a long time say that the romance is dead....naah......they just exhausted the possibilities. LOVE JONES.
I am a romantic and if there's a cure for this I don't want it, if there's a remedy, I run from it. Check out my newest song of the moment- Love Hangover. I won't attempt to describe what romance is for me, words would only diminish the truth of it.
This week Mr A and I went on our first couple outing/date since TR came home. It was a lovely afternoon/evening. We started missing TR towards the end of our evening, so it was great getting back to the house to be with her. This was the first time she was without one of us and I expected her to be kicking a slight fit.
When we arrived she was hanging out with my mother and my great aunt and she barely glanced at us. Oh well....... having her receive me with open and waiting arms was just my fantasy. I'm pleased that she didn't spend the entire evening fretting over the absence of mommy and daddy.
We hit the same area of our very first (alone) date but a different restaurant and we didn't go to Jamba Juice. Revisiting that spot was pretty - heart flutter- cool. Nearly 4 years after that first date, we were back in the same place, having our first date as parents. I guess that is what O.prah might call a full circle moment.
The most romantic and heart moving moment for me was my telling Mr A I had a belly ( not a big belly but I went from flat to round). Mr A pulled me close and told me I was beautiful and so was my belly. When he was done speaking softly in my ear, my heart was smiling. Sincere expressions of love and acceptance are romance for me.
TR got her immunizations and now that we are clear to hit the streets, I'll be getting this body back in condition. I love looking in the mirror and knowing I look good. Even more I love looking in full length mirror and realizing I look fabulous to be mommy to a newborn. Once I get in tip top form we can get to work on a sibling for TR.
I've got a video of TR and Mr A dancing that I want to post. More stuff that makes my heart smile. Check your emails for a link or if I figure out how to password protect- the password.
I am a romantic and if there's a cure for this I don't want it, if there's a remedy, I run from it. Check out my newest song of the moment- Love Hangover. I won't attempt to describe what romance is for me, words would only diminish the truth of it.
This week Mr A and I went on our first couple outing/date since TR came home. It was a lovely afternoon/evening. We started missing TR towards the end of our evening, so it was great getting back to the house to be with her. This was the first time she was without one of us and I expected her to be kicking a slight fit.
When we arrived she was hanging out with my mother and my great aunt and she barely glanced at us. Oh well....... having her receive me with open and waiting arms was just my fantasy. I'm pleased that she didn't spend the entire evening fretting over the absence of mommy and daddy.
We hit the same area of our very first (alone) date but a different restaurant and we didn't go to Jamba Juice. Revisiting that spot was pretty - heart flutter- cool. Nearly 4 years after that first date, we were back in the same place, having our first date as parents. I guess that is what O.prah might call a full circle moment.
The most romantic and heart moving moment for me was my telling Mr A I had a belly ( not a big belly but I went from flat to round). Mr A pulled me close and told me I was beautiful and so was my belly. When he was done speaking softly in my ear, my heart was smiling. Sincere expressions of love and acceptance are romance for me.
TR got her immunizations and now that we are clear to hit the streets, I'll be getting this body back in condition. I love looking in the mirror and knowing I look good. Even more I love looking in full length mirror and realizing I look fabulous to be mommy to a newborn. Once I get in tip top form we can get to work on a sibling for TR.
I've got a video of TR and Mr A dancing that I want to post. More stuff that makes my heart smile. Check your emails for a link or if I figure out how to password protect- the password.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Far East Fashions

My sis made a shopping trip to Asia a few weeks ago and returned with these two outfits for TR, the diaper bag and a huge diaper cake- the diaper cake includes sleeper sets, towels, and lots of other things.
My mom said the diaper cake was too large for her to travel with so we'll pick it up next time we are in Oakland. I asked my mother how my sister could get from Hong Kong to Oakland with everything, but she can't get from Oakland to Central Ca with the diaper cake. I'm anxious to see it.
I hope to make the next Asia trip. The idea of a 14 hour flight is less than thrilling but the look of custom made clothes is fab. If anyone wants to see some pics of the outfits she had made, shoot me an email.
Maybe someone will invite us to a wedding or a party and TR can wear one of these.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
100 Years

TR and I missed the Centennial Celebration in D.C. but were there in spirit.
TR got a pink dress, which she is modeling. Had we gone to D.C., this is probably what she would have worn to the gala.
Mr A, TR and me took our own walk. TR was wrapped in my pink and green personal carrier. Mr A got the fabric and got the instructions online.
I love carrying her this way. I just have to learn how to do the wrap for myself.

My sis went on a shopping trip to Asia. I can't wait to get the clothing she brought back for TR. Pictures will be posted.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Then and Now
I looked at my archives and came across my post on babies.
The various things I imagined about having a baby were right on. We were within our 3 year desired timeline of having a baby and so far so fun. Last night she went to sleep at 1 a.m and slept until after 6. I roused her to feed her and she sucked while sleeping. She's eating baby food- which my momma said help babies sleep longer.
I've discovered what s30 meant by leaking breasts. Its more like a flood. We both get drenched. The babe isn't bohemian but she does spend her days either topless with her cloth diaper on or a onesie. She owns lots of clothes but hasn't started wearing them.
She's my happy, friendly, warm, chubby baby that goes to strangers without crying.
She hasn't pulled my hair yet and when she grips my cheek sits a death grip. I love her warm little breath on my cheek and I'm in love with her gums. I have a photo and she's smiling and her gums are fully displayed.
She doesn't yell or cry too much, but she makes noises for most of her communication purposes ans she screams when she crawls or rolls over. When I'm on the phone she'll get very quiet. At this point I love to hear her little noises.
We didn't move to Baldwin Hills and its unlikely we will. We discoverd we love the side we're on and if we stay in L.A. we want to be on this side of the city.
The various things I imagined about having a baby were right on. We were within our 3 year desired timeline of having a baby and so far so fun. Last night she went to sleep at 1 a.m and slept until after 6. I roused her to feed her and she sucked while sleeping. She's eating baby food- which my momma said help babies sleep longer.
I've discovered what s30 meant by leaking breasts. Its more like a flood. We both get drenched. The babe isn't bohemian but she does spend her days either topless with her cloth diaper on or a onesie. She owns lots of clothes but hasn't started wearing them.
She's my happy, friendly, warm, chubby baby that goes to strangers without crying.
She hasn't pulled my hair yet and when she grips my cheek sits a death grip. I love her warm little breath on my cheek and I'm in love with her gums. I have a photo and she's smiling and her gums are fully displayed.
She doesn't yell or cry too much, but she makes noises for most of her communication purposes ans she screams when she crawls or rolls over. When I'm on the phone she'll get very quiet. At this point I love to hear her little noises.
We didn't move to Baldwin Hills and its unlikely we will. We discoverd we love the side we're on and if we stay in L.A. we want to be on this side of the city.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Beware of the Mommy
TR is so fabulous. I said beware of the mommy- heed words of caution.
She is just now 2 months and crawling. She's been crawling since she was a couple of weeks old but she's covering more distance now. I had her in bed with us one morning and I awoke to her attempting to nurse. She had crawled to my breast and kept lifting her head trying to get to the nipple. When she is eating and wants to be burped she sticks her arms out.
When she wants to poop she makes little noises and we put her on "the throne" position, she relaxes, focuses and poops.
Visitors have informed me that she is a good baby- apparently because she doesn't waste a lot of time crying. She does more cooing and purring to communicate. I'm also told I've got it good because she will sleep 4 hours at night.
She appears to have dimples in every place imaginable. Two deep dimples in her cheeks, chin dimple, a little dimple by the bridge of her nose, and dimples where her smile line is. She smiles a lot. She has eyes like mine- large almond shaped.
Her hair has a red tint. My mother and Mr A's mother have reddish/red hair. Mr A's mom had told me Mr A had red hair as a kid. but it looks black now.
After her bath this morning I styled the top of her hair in a mini mohawk.
While I love green, I think she'll be wearing more yellow because it flatters her coloring. She has her first professional photo shoot soon, and I already have her outfit planned.
I can't wait until we can take the world by storm. I'm going stir crazy in the house- we're doing it the old fashioned way and keeping baby indoors for a while. But when I leave the house I want to hurry back because I want to see her little face and hold her. My mom will be coming to a city near L.A. soon and we're going to go hang out there with her. My mother told me to tell TR that she really misses her. I waited for her to say she missed me.......... I'm still waiting. It's okay though- the joy of being a grandmother is enjoying the baby and letting the parents enjoy the work.
I plan to join the L.A. Mocha Mom soon. I need to interact with some SAH moms/wives. I've reconnected with a few of my L.A. folks now that I have less time to socialize. Clearly I like having too much to do and not enough time to do it.
She is just now 2 months and crawling. She's been crawling since she was a couple of weeks old but she's covering more distance now. I had her in bed with us one morning and I awoke to her attempting to nurse. She had crawled to my breast and kept lifting her head trying to get to the nipple. When she is eating and wants to be burped she sticks her arms out.
When she wants to poop she makes little noises and we put her on "the throne" position, she relaxes, focuses and poops.
Visitors have informed me that she is a good baby- apparently because she doesn't waste a lot of time crying. She does more cooing and purring to communicate. I'm also told I've got it good because she will sleep 4 hours at night.
She appears to have dimples in every place imaginable. Two deep dimples in her cheeks, chin dimple, a little dimple by the bridge of her nose, and dimples where her smile line is. She smiles a lot. She has eyes like mine- large almond shaped.
Her hair has a red tint. My mother and Mr A's mother have reddish/red hair. Mr A's mom had told me Mr A had red hair as a kid. but it looks black now.
After her bath this morning I styled the top of her hair in a mini mohawk.
While I love green, I think she'll be wearing more yellow because it flatters her coloring. She has her first professional photo shoot soon, and I already have her outfit planned.
I can't wait until we can take the world by storm. I'm going stir crazy in the house- we're doing it the old fashioned way and keeping baby indoors for a while. But when I leave the house I want to hurry back because I want to see her little face and hold her. My mom will be coming to a city near L.A. soon and we're going to go hang out there with her. My mother told me to tell TR that she really misses her. I waited for her to say she missed me.......... I'm still waiting. It's okay though- the joy of being a grandmother is enjoying the baby and letting the parents enjoy the work.
I plan to join the L.A. Mocha Mom soon. I need to interact with some SAH moms/wives. I've reconnected with a few of my L.A. folks now that I have less time to socialize. Clearly I like having too much to do and not enough time to do it.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Magical Date- REpost
Love has been on my heart and soul this week. Check out the 'love' song on the sideline, it's currently moving me. S30's current post inspired me to do a repost of my magical date.
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Magical Date
Okay this blog is about a date I had, my guy reads my blog so he's gonna have to read about himself in this one.
Well this date was magical because it consisted of my favorite things and my guy didn't even know they were my favorite things.
So I'm there visiting ( almost 300 miles seperate us) this was probably our first couple outing, first time without family and/or friends.
The conversation went something like this
Him: So what do you want to do?
Me: Anything is fine. (I know guys actually want an answer when they ask that)
Him: Do you want to see a movie?
Me: Nope, we can't talk during the movie.
Him: Do you like Jamba Juice?
Me: Yes, I do (super excited, I lu-uvvv Jamba Juice , I drink them when I want to treat myself)Him: Well I thought we could go to Jamba Juice and my favorite Sushi bar is right next to it, so we could go there
Me: Sushi? you eat sushi? What kind?
Ladies I wanted to jump with glee. Sushi is what I eat when I want to treat myself . Sushi for me is like my permission to relax and just enjoy. Jamba Juice is the same thing. Plus both are so expensive cuz it takes much Sushi to get full. This man was offering me three of my favorite things without even realizing it. Him, sushi and Jamba Juice. Ya'll I had to tell him.
Me: I usually only eat sushi when I get paid, it's how I treat myself.
Him: smile
Me: And I love Jamba Juice, I drink it when I want to treat myself. I never imagined that I'd ever have a man that I really like, sushi and Jamba Juice all together. It's like my fairytale.
The small pleasures in life really mean so much. This is not some fru fru guy either, he isn't petite nor does he drink tea with his pinky out. He's like a football kinda dude, which makes it all the better. A man with a liking for delicacies.
The day was beautiful, there was an art festival and we walked along and looked at the various sidewalk art and yes, he held my hand.
I sigh just thinking about it.
Side note: the best thing about my building is that it is across the street from my brother's building. In the middle of writing this blog we took a walk to the bank. I didn't want to go to the bank but being self employed I sometimes have to work on my clients cash schedule. We have lunch together on lots of days and sometimes we run errands together. It's fun. END SIDENOTE.
Posted by Call 2 Arms at 1:51 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Magical Date
Okay this blog is about a date I had, my guy reads my blog so he's gonna have to read about himself in this one.
Well this date was magical because it consisted of my favorite things and my guy didn't even know they were my favorite things.
So I'm there visiting ( almost 300 miles seperate us) this was probably our first couple outing, first time without family and/or friends.
The conversation went something like this
Him: So what do you want to do?
Me: Anything is fine. (I know guys actually want an answer when they ask that)
Him: Do you want to see a movie?
Me: Nope, we can't talk during the movie.
Him: Do you like Jamba Juice?
Me: Yes, I do (super excited, I lu-uvvv Jamba Juice , I drink them when I want to treat myself)Him: Well I thought we could go to Jamba Juice and my favorite Sushi bar is right next to it, so we could go there
Me: Sushi? you eat sushi? What kind?
Ladies I wanted to jump with glee. Sushi is what I eat when I want to treat myself . Sushi for me is like my permission to relax and just enjoy. Jamba Juice is the same thing. Plus both are so expensive cuz it takes much Sushi to get full. This man was offering me three of my favorite things without even realizing it. Him, sushi and Jamba Juice. Ya'll I had to tell him.
Me: I usually only eat sushi when I get paid, it's how I treat myself.
Him: smile
Me: And I love Jamba Juice, I drink it when I want to treat myself. I never imagined that I'd ever have a man that I really like, sushi and Jamba Juice all together. It's like my fairytale.
The small pleasures in life really mean so much. This is not some fru fru guy either, he isn't petite nor does he drink tea with his pinky out. He's like a football kinda dude, which makes it all the better. A man with a liking for delicacies.
The day was beautiful, there was an art festival and we walked along and looked at the various sidewalk art and yes, he held my hand.
I sigh just thinking about it.
Side note: the best thing about my building is that it is across the street from my brother's building. In the middle of writing this blog we took a walk to the bank. I didn't want to go to the bank but being self employed I sometimes have to work on my clients cash schedule. We have lunch together on lots of days and sometimes we run errands together. It's fun. END SIDENOTE.
Posted by Call 2 Arms at 1:51 PM
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Our Day
Yesterday morning we had crepes with sliced strawberries for brunch. They were very good and the recipe is super simple. I'm trying to figure out why I was willing to pay 5 bucks for a couple crepes at the Larchmont Farmer's Market.
TR shared the day with us. She sat in her swing and made her little baby noises as we ate brunch.
I made an Oreo Cookie Pie* for dessert. It's a yummy and simple recipe.
I prepared Jambalaya for dinner and when it got late we shared a huge slice of the dessert.
The middle parts were spent with us just hanging out. We bathed TR and Mr A washed her hair. She sure did enjoy herself. Perhaps we are that boring couple/family but I truly enjoy our lives.
This morning I woke up, heard TR sucking loudky on her pacifier, I scooped her up, showered her with kisses, told her how beautiful she is, changed her, gave her breakfast of milk and laid her down to sleep.
I'm sure life could get better, like a paid for home in Bel Air, property taxes on that home paid up for 20 years and maid service included, the stork dropping off a few more kiddies at well-timed intervals, a teletransportation machine, ownership of a prime office building in L.A.- but right now life feels pretty great.
TR shared the day with us. She sat in her swing and made her little baby noises as we ate brunch.
I made an Oreo Cookie Pie* for dessert. It's a yummy and simple recipe.
I prepared Jambalaya for dinner and when it got late we shared a huge slice of the dessert.
The middle parts were spent with us just hanging out. We bathed TR and Mr A washed her hair. She sure did enjoy herself. Perhaps we are that boring couple/family but I truly enjoy our lives.
This morning I woke up, heard TR sucking loudky on her pacifier, I scooped her up, showered her with kisses, told her how beautiful she is, changed her, gave her breakfast of milk and laid her down to sleep.
I'm sure life could get better, like a paid for home in Bel Air, property taxes on that home paid up for 20 years and maid service included, the stork dropping off a few more kiddies at well-timed intervals, a teletransportation machine, ownership of a prime office building in L.A.- but right now life feels pretty great.