Our weekend was lovely.
We hit the Grove on Friday and had dinner in the Farmer's Market. TR rode in my sling and she got a great deal of attention. I never realized how much interest babies evoke in strangers.
TR seems to be social like her dad so she didn't mind the attention.
I've always liked babies that I know , but I was unprepared to be approached and questioned by so many strangers. People were all up in my sling. 'Pregnant women and babies are people magnets. I admit to getting excited today when I saw a pregnant woman. I loved carrying TR and seeing the woman made me reminisce fondly.
We went to American Girl Place and TR got checked out like she was a doll. I think the sling adds to the fascination. Other parents were pushing their baby in cadillac strollers and a few had the bjorns, and I imagine our contraption is less familiar therefore automatically interesting. Someone even asked me if I had a real baby in there. I heard one woman tell her child I was a good mommy because I carried my baby.
On Saturday, Mr A worked his magic on the grill. One of our neighbors was over and told Mr A that he needs to be on one of those Food Network shows.
Mr A cooks/grills with total love and does something special with the meat. I'd tell his secret ingredients but our retirement job might be some type of restaurant, so the method has to be protected. Another neighbor came by with homemade guacomale dip and chicken wings. He marinates his chicken in plain yogurt. Mr A grilled the chicken. It was tender and um um good. The dip was amazingly tasty.
Sunday was church an
d TR was Mr A's passenger. TR was great in church. After service we hit Costco. Observing the reactions to Mr A transporting TR was very interesting. I got a little perturbed when 3 women stopped him by the zip loc bags. Then I recalled that when I woild see a handsome man caring for his cute baby, I'd oooooh, awwwweee and have little heart thumps. The world is a sexist place and I have sexist inclinations too. Yes.............. I just called Mr A handsome and TR cute.
Mr A and I have a game of monopoly to finish. I think I'm winning. He has more cash but I have the most expensive properties with hotels on them.
Have a blessed week.
We hit the Grove on Friday and had dinner in the Farmer's Market. TR rode in my sling and she got a great deal of attention. I never realized how much interest babies evoke in strangers.
TR seems to be social like her dad so she didn't mind the attention.
I've always liked babies that I know , but I was unprepared to be approached and questioned by so many strangers. People were all up in my sling. 'Pregnant women and babies are people magnets. I admit to getting excited today when I saw a pregnant woman. I loved carrying TR and seeing the woman made me reminisce fondly.
We went to American Girl Place and TR got checked out like she was a doll. I think the sling adds to the fascination. Other parents were pushing their baby in cadillac strollers and a few had the bjorns, and I imagine our contraption is less familiar therefore automatically interesting. Someone even asked me if I had a real baby in there. I heard one woman tell her child I was a good mommy because I carried my baby.
On Saturday, Mr A worked his magic on the grill. One of our neighbors was over and told Mr A that he needs to be on one of those Food Network shows.
Mr A cooks/grills with total love and does something special with the meat. I'd tell his secret ingredients but our retirement job might be some type of restaurant, so the method has to be protected. Another neighbor came by with homemade guacomale dip and chicken wings. He marinates his chicken in plain yogurt. Mr A grilled the chicken. It was tender and um um good. The dip was amazingly tasty.
Sunday was church an

Mr A and I have a game of monopoly to finish. I think I'm winning. He has more cash but I have the most expensive properties with hotels on them.
Have a blessed week.
You can see how big she is getting from your profile pic of Mr. A and TR and this one..wow! I have friends who say whenever Dad is pushing baby in the sroller and it is just the 2 of them taking a walk or whatever, they get people blowing the horn and everything! I think it is sexy for dads to do that. I will call you soon. Would like to see you guys on Aug 8th.
I can't wait to see you!!
Love the picture of Mr. A and TR. I love to see a man and his baby! Interesting carrier, I'ma have to get up on the latest and greatest in baby wearing gear.
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