My mom picked us up at the airport. Her usual airport greeting includes an instruction for whatever child to kiss her. I had TR in her sling and this time she told me to hand her over. TR has an Oakland car seat/stroller (gift from my father) and an L.A. car seat/stroller (gift from my mother) so my mother held her while I got the seat-I'd never seen and hadn't read up on- adjusted. I had to wake my mother up at midnight to demand my kiss.
I finally got to see the diaper cake my sister gave us.
It was packed with treats and quite lovely. It's also about 6 tiers so we'll bring it home the next time Mr A comes to Oakland. My brother's godmother also gave us gifts of clothes. I didn't check bags, and came back with so much for TR that I had to leave my own clothes in Oakland.

Saturday was the Cancer Relay walk with my sorority. I attended with my sister and cousin. The event was lots of fun. Hanging with the ladies is always ripe for good times. I got to catch up with my cousin who is home from med school and I got the latest gossip. The sorors didn't get to meet TR because she was home with my mom.
Prior to going to the walk, my cousins and aunt stopped by to see TR. TR loves people so they all had a good time. Sunday she got to meet the folks at church and a couple of my mom's cousins from Florida who happened to be there. She was surrounded by folks and handled herself very well. She tried to meet and greet everyone.
On Monday she came to court with me. They usually ban babies but they let her stay inside. At one point she made a litttle noise and the baliff made my mom take her into the interview room. I hadn't planned to go back to work so soon but the client did a little pleading as he apologized for jacking up my mommy leave. I wasn't about to leave TR at home so he got the both of us. I'd been continuing the matter since June and having other folks appear for me, but it was time to move forward.
I've been having a bit of a love hate, more hate relationship with Mr's A football coaching. This football is a true committment of time. It's worse than a job -to me- but he loves it and he feels he is having an impact on some ruffian kids- black boys lives.
Anyway........ I've decided to be more supportive, incorporate football into my life, and get more sun. The school is near a great shopping area, its near quite a few hollywood hot spots. I'd name them but ya'll know some bloggers get too involved in the story. I may even start taking snacks for the kids and coaches.
Today I'm going to try and find TR a skirt to go with the lovely onesies my sis got her at our Centennial Celebration. I'll likely stop by the book store and then TR and I will be going to watch Mr A coach those boys.
Mr A is grilling steaks later this evening, so I'll go pick those up on the way home. Thanks to the heat and his love of cooking Mr A is doing lots of grilling.
This morning we recieved a package. My brother who is in NYC, overnighted us Red Velvet Cake from Make My Cake. 

He said the owner threw a mini fit when she discovered his plan. The owner said the cake is made fresh and they had not perfected a shipping technique to maintain that freshness and taste. She did not want them shipped and told him that he should have told her his plan before he bought them. That is loving her profession- she wants to guarantee the taste.. I noticed the shipping cost was a little over $40. That's a good brother I've got. I cringe every time I use a 42 cent stamp. He also overnighted my mom a whole cake.
And these are the Days of Our Lives.
oh lawd! I see TR's onesie! LOL!
TR sure had an action-packed weekend!
Her onesie is too precious!! And, did someone say Red Velvet Cake?!?!!? I bet that was super yummy.
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