California Sunshine that is.
I don't want your life. I'm loving the one I'm living. I have total control (as strengthed by God) over my life. So if I thought your life was so worthy of having I'd get out my xerox and copy it.
Everynow and again I'll discuss with one of my California born and bred folks about how we'd hate to live somewhere else. Else does not including NYC, Paris, Tokyo, type places. We'll discuss the few folks who moved hollering about the hig cost of living and an inability to get A, B or C done. Ironically they usually go wherever they go and still live regular lives. Basically we wouldn't go somewhere based on a low cost of living. We'd rather earn more money.
Then I'll recall a discussion I had where someone said they didn't know how folks could live in places like CA, DC, NYC. I was perplexed and after some dialogue, I realized they really had a true affection for their location. They weren't there by default. Part of the discussion included silly stuff like folks in these cities eat bologna sandwhiches while they can go out to dine. But I'll let that part go. Folks who are trained to think poor think everyone is poor
I was listening to the radio last night. The host has a blog and people were arguing about the best whiskey. I guess the fight turned ugly. Her response was, "whatever Whiskey you like best, is the best whiskey."
When I'm judging folks I try to recognize that my preference does not need to be what everyone elsr prefers. They are not wrong, pitiful, classless or whatever for having a different opinion.
God did not make us originals so we could spend our time becoming a copy.
I still talk about folks, but I do it with these guidelines in mind.
aside from my teenage years, i don't ever recall being envious of anyone else's life, or wanting what they have. i just can't relate to that mentality. for one, i've lived in this skin for 26 years and am quite comfortable in it. i couldn't imagine trying to get cozy in someone else's. that would suck!
reading this post reminded me of someone who speaks about themselves and what they [claim to] have in such a way that it's obvious they want folks to envy them. and it's stuff that doesn't even matter to the people they're bragging to, lol. also, i most certainly know that everything that glitters isn't gold, as they say.
I second that, K.
I'm going to have to start keeping those guidelines in mind because every so often I have the problem of thinking people are close minded or "stuck" because they gripe about trying new things or places.
Like my good friend likes to say: the grass is brown everywhere.
@ Heart drops: ROTFLOL
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