Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Domestic Designs

One of my desires is to be a domestic (looking for any word other than Diva, why are folks who label themselve diva generally uncute?) ...................... powerhouse.

Last night I made shrimp and sausage jambalya from scratch. Zatarains mix stayed on the shelf. For dessert I made Oreo Cookie Ice Cream Pie. I even made us a late lunch. I'm doing quite well in my homemaker goals. Mr A loved everything I made.

My ultimate goal is to be the mommy that prepares breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for her kids. When we were kids we only ate out on Saturdays, after events, and never fast food. My grandmother loved to cook and and my mother always had something prepared for us.

I know we had fast food chains as children, but for some reason it seemed like folks had more time back then. Maybe its because my mom and grandmothers were stay at home folks. I look at kids now and they are always in a rush. Eating in the car and running busy lives.

When we were in Jr. High, my mom would make us sandwiches to eat on our way to our afterschool piano lessons. Other than that, when we were out, we'd stop at a park and have a little picnic. She seemed to have so much time, just for us kids.

My grandmothers always had full meals with left overs prepared everyday, except Saturday. Now wives- including me- are bringing home food to feed the family. Is there r eally less time? Are we just worse at managing it? What the heck is going on?

I also want to be great at keeping the family organized. My mom said kids like structure so I'm sure that's why she was so together raising stairstep kids. Being a classroom teacher to 30 kids prior to having her own probably gave her invaluable experience in organizing us.

I want to give my child(ren) the type of childhood I had.

Before TR arrived, I had visions of my baby in the back of the car, in her car seat, kicking her feet and making baby noises. I also envisioned the baby in sunglasses- I have yet to find a pair for her. Now I envision her with her a sippy cut, dropping crumbs and saying baby words. I envision her and our other children having conversations and me chuckling at how kids operate. I envision all this happening in our Bel Air and Oakland Hills home.

Mr A and I have concluded that we're going to live in both cities.

These are my domestic and family designs.


Not so Anonymous said...

That's a great design! I've also tried to wonder why I seem to have less time than my mom had when I was growing up. I've concluded that the days must truly be Seriously, as long as my daughter's schedule is always stable and consistent, i'm happy. I try to cook at least 4 nights a week with leftovers on two days and then dinner for our mommy/daughter dates the other day.

AMES said...

We had leftovers as kids, I loved that too. I have gotten so used to shopping and cooking for two, that we rarely have them. I have to learn to make more dishes that yield left overs.