Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

First of All...... I'm The Bomb

I am the bomb- I know this and am not scared to acknowledge this, but I also love the part of Brandy's song where she sings those words. Check it out, its linked on the side, Then she goes through the numbers on the 'LIST'. CUTE!!

I've been a Brandy fan since watching her first video on 'The Box". Whatever happened to the Box? I loved that channel. I just read the wiki snippet. MTV/Viacom bought the box. Smart move because I quit watching MTV once the box started. Box was real music all the time. MTV was falling off even in the 90's. I remember the Box had interviews with TLC, College Boyz and other groups before the overcontrolled radio and music t.v. got them. Those first interviews would be so very different than when MTV got them.

Thank goodness for the internet. Once again real artists can get out there. We're no longer stuck with just the artists labels and radio decide to force on us.
You gotta go to youtube and check out the videos by souljaboy and ice-t, on their beef. They are both idiots. Its evident that the beats are what sells, much of the music lyrics are a waste of pen to paper. Victimizing trees- needlessly.


me said...

I second and third your comment about a waste of pen to paper. Souljaboy and Ice-t, WHAT?!?! That just sounds crazy.

African girl, American world said...

loves it! Brandy is doing it! Have you heard "Feel So Good" by her?