Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Let Us Pray- My Confessions

I need to better with discipline. Discpline is key. At church Sunday, a visiting minister said "Destiny requires discipline."

I have a vision of my Bel Air home and discipline is the only thing that has prevented me from already owning it.

I don't believe there is anything I (or anyone else) can't achieve, its a matter of being willing to go after it and going after it with diligence.

My brother recently got the permits and approvals he needed to start a particular business. Everyone- including the folks who have to issue the approvals- has been quite surprised by how smoothly he went through the process. It usually takes folks a few years to get through. He is diligent and disciplined as a habit and got through each phase in under the timelines. This is also a business where lots of folks finish the process than lose their licenses because they don't remain disciplined.

I think my being the youngest affected my discipline. My mom is exceedingly discplined and organized. She is on top of everything. My sister is disciplined and organized. My brother does go on hiatus every now and again but he works so hard doing his up times that things don't fall apart when he shuts down. My father is disciplined in regards to certain things, most specifically his health. He eats healthy, works out and keeps active.

I think my lack of discipline is more about birth order. The youngest sorta floats.

I too can be disciplined. I'm not, but I can be.

While I could and want to hold TR all day, I want her to learn discipline through my example. Mr A is super duper disciplined but I don't want her to associate discipline as solely a man quality . One thing I realize about being disciplined is the people who have it, make the job they are doing look easy. Folks will want what they have and not realize they are actually consistent in keeping it easy.

My mom used to work at a school and she made her job look super easy. One of the young teachers went back to school and got a Masters so she could get the job my mom had. She was actually plotting. My mother was offered another position at a different school, which she gladly took and the young teacher became the resource specialist.

After a few months the older teachers told my mom that the young teacher was overwhelmed in that position. Her case load was huge and it was hugely time consuming. That young teacher didn't know that if my mom can't sleep, she doesn't lay there wishing for sleep. She gets up and does something that needs to be done. She didn't percieve her job to be 8:30 to 2:45. She didn't put anything off. She'd work from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. without complaint. She was organized, disciplined and diligent.

She never looks at anyone else and complains about what they aren't doing, she'll just do it and keep moving. I've never heard her blame anyone for why something didn't get done. She will figure out a way to make it happen. My brother is the same way.

That is discipline. That is how I'm going to be. Self-disciplined. When you are disciplined you don't have to suffer the consequences of a lack of discipline.

What are we praying for? No, not that I'll be disciplined. I know God has given me the strength to do it. It's on me to do it. We're praying that these folks quit acting silly and stingy and this case settles for a huge amount, and I can move on with my life.

1 comment:

African girl, American world said...

I learn a lot from you. Just this morning I was thinking to myself that I have to be disciplined working from home, have to have a time schedule for everything or else I get overwhelmed. Sometimes I forget to eat, or I work then I don't get to clean like I want. So I decided I gotta write out a schedule and be disciplined.