Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Friday, August 29, 2008


We used to joke that TR was going to be Obama's running mate.

With the pick of Palin, I now realize that I should have given TR's name to McCain. She's a proven fighter, a change agent. Being born isn't easy. You have to be the one sperm out of the masses to reach the egg. You have to survive as your mommie's natural body chemistry attempts to destroy you. She has changed a lot since moving in with us, she's added hours of fun.

The only difference bewteen TR and Palin is TR probably would have turned the position down. Although she could appeal to women and the youth vote, she'd likely tell McCain it would be unfair to leave the country in the hands of someone unprepared to run a country.

I won't be voting for McCain but if he happened to win, is it really fair to put Palin in charge of the country he says he puts first. Everyone better get their 5 million together and bank it overseas.


BlackLiterature said...

Cute/ ;-)
reflecting on the birth process the other day and was reminded of the song by the Winans.

"Millions didn't make it but I was one of the ones who did.... "

wow...i'm counting my blessings when i look at Jordan.

Not so Anonymous said...

LOL...very funny. I'll be rooting for TR as VP in