Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I'm cute

Written Wednesday

Mr A read my blog today and asked me why he had to read it to know I wanted us to go to church this afternoon. Its wild, but he seems to know what I want/need most of the time so I think I've grown accustomed to that.

One morning I started singing a song in bed - I started in the middle of the song- and he asked me what made me start singing that song and right at that point. I told him it was just in my head at that point. He said he was singing the same song in his head and where I started was right where he was. We're in sync. I will start telling him things though, I must remember that he can't always know what I want to do.

While at church I took a bathroom break. I was smiling at a woman, she smiled back and told me I looked cute pregnant. I really cheesed it up then. I do look cute preggers. I was wearing one of my newest green sun dresses- not the same one as yesterday. An older woman at Trader Joe's asked me if I had a baby in there because she thought she saw a kick. I laughed and pulled my dress so the roundness would be clear. I'm enjoying being preggers- even with the occasional aches, inability to get as comfy as I want and inability to hold much water for long periods of time.

Service was very interesting. It gave us a lot to reflect on. Someone asked a question and Bishop Jone's answer got quite an uprising from some of the single women in the audience. The next 2 hours were spent in discussion and reviewing various scriptures. We've been to Wednesday service before when we missed Sunday service. Mr A said we'll probably go on Wednesday more often. At one point Bishop Jones gave the stats on percentage of men and women in black churches, he said he had a bit more men that most and explained why. The reasons he gave were the reasons Mr. A told me he prefers him over the church closer to home. Quite interesting.

After church I dropped Mr. A off at his friend's house and they met up with another friend to go night skiing. The mountain has lights and the lift tickets are priced lower. Mr. A said it was great, the mountain didn't have a lot of people and there was snow
this past weekend so it was good skiing. Tonight was supposed to be the last run of the season, so he was very excited to go.

Written Today

Tonight, we're hosting a small dinner party for the girlfriend of Mr. A's best friend. Last week when we were hanging out the girl seemed shocked that I remembered her birthday. I sent her a text this week to ask what her plans were and again she seemed surprised I remembered. I met her soon after Mr A and I first began dating, and her b-day comes the same date every year, plus my gf from law school has the same b-day- how could I forget. Mr A said it's because the people she deals with (namely her bf) don't do much for it. Not caring and not remembering are 2 different things. Not caring can lead to forgetting or just not caring to remember.

When they were travelling home from the mountain, Mr. A asked his friend what he was doing for her birthday and the response was "she has a $500 phone bill." I guess he figured payment was enough. Mr A gave him ideas on thoughtful gifts and told him to bring her over and he'd make dinner and we'd have cake. I'm looking forward to it, because the girl is lots of fun.

Plus she loves babies and doesn't mind discussing what to get for newborns. I'm having a baby and the thought of what to get and what not to get, what the baby needs makes me need a nap. Onesies, diapsers and bibs are easy. Choosing the other stuff is the challenge. There are so many opinions and ideas. So far the biggest thing I've decided on is a co-sleeper. It will only be useable until the baby can pull up but when the baby cries or wakes we'll just be able to reach over and handle things.

I spent a couple hours trying to figure out what type of infant car seat to get. We had picked out that massive car seat/ stroller but then I read that infants should be able to lay down in the stroller and the one we chose didn't have that so .......... anyway, I'm thinking we'll get an infant seat and the baby will just have to get used to Mr A carting him/her around in the bjorn. Plus I can't stand those cadillac strollers they are too huge.


Serenity3-0 said...

Dang it's funny you wrote this post Wed and I'm just reading it, but it speaks to what I wrote today about connections. I think you will definitely want that stroller. Especially when you and a girlfriend or your mom or whoever go out shopping.

Anonymous said...

Of course you know you have me curious about why Bishop has more men than other churches. I like men. Not just in the straight girl way, but I really like men and can appreciate that we are different. (I feel the need to re-construct my blog)
