Life is to be lived with purpose. Fulfillment of that purpose requires strategy. The strategy I'm using is an Art. The Art of War.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I consider myself to be a stay home working wife. Soon I'll be a stay at home working wife and mom.

As far as the working wife part goes I believe I have the best of all words. Don't tell me I can't have it all. I'm fortunate to have Mr. A, without him I'd probably consider having it all to be an impossibility. With him I can see how we can both ascend to be achieve our greatest potential. Before anyone gets their panties in a bunch, we first have to discuss what 'all' is to me but that's a long story, for another post.

Boy to man- "Only some people get what they want."
Man to boy- "Yes, the ones that show up to get it"

I still haven't figured out how a woman spends a full day at work then, grocery shops, cooks, cleans, does laundry, makes sure the home stays stocked with the little things men may overlook, makes the bed in the morning, keeps snacks, handle doctor appointments (because unless the wife makes the appt. I don't know that men go), all that a wife does. I mean the role of a wife is a full time job. I also sorta like going to the store everyday- if I can go early and well before its time to cook dinner.

Taking care of your family is also enjoyable. Heck at this point I'm hard pressed to find a greater joy than taking care of your family. It's the daily stuff that makes life valuable. Coming home everyday or being home and just enjoying the moments and the life you have at home.

Today I went to Trader Joe's, I left home at 11:08 and arrived around 11:15. I found myself back home after 1 p.m. Trader Joe's isn't huge but I must have checked out every item, on every aisle (not the liquor) and considered how I could use it, either now or in the future. I love stores with interesting products. After I left Trader Joe's I headed across the street to Ralph's where I picked up a few other items and had a leisurely stroll through the aisles.

I got home and told Mr A I'd had fun. I meant it, it was fun just grocery shopping, so I could make snacks and dinner for us. Shopping so that in the future I could make something interesting for Mr. A to try and perhaps we could have guests and they could enjoy a meal with us.

I did nearly pass out at the conclusion of my journey, so that extended the shopping trip. Mr. A usually comes with me and drives and I knew I couldn't get behind the wheel in that state. This was the first time I've gotten faint. I had on a light sweater jacket and sun dress, so I think I might have done too much and caused myself to overheat. I think I'm in the slow it down months. I had someone bring me a chair while I recovered. I must have looked like death because the manager offered me an ice pack and ice water. I had a juice so I was cool.

I don't assume every women likes to browse through the aisles of the grocery store checking out new and potentially tasty products. My grandmother used to do that, cooking was her hobby. But its nice to have the option and the time. Its not fun to leave work, hit the grocery store and/or come home and prepare a meal.

In other things my girlfriend told me her 1.5 year old is potty trained. She thinks it has something to do with the cloth diapers. I told her we planned to use them. She said when she used to change his diaper he never pee'd on her and seemed to have control of his bladder. If we could get TR potty trained by that age, we'd probably save thousands and I'm sure it would make him more attractive to babysit.


Anonymous said...

^5!!! I wish more women thought like you! There is nothing wrong with being a SAHM or SAHW! Or heck both! People are asking me whay am I in school if I want to be one of the above, my response, because I CAN and I enjoy being a SAHW right now.

You'll have to share your secrets for working at home, Im still looking for options as the end of the year nears because I certainly want to be able to work independently of anyone else.

Heart Drops said...

"I mean the role of a wife is a full time job" - that's what I'm saying!!!!!!! And then throw in a kid??? I am reviewing my marriage plans. LOL